Small things - For example, in March, Sally and I both had our hair cut. I found a salon in Ft Collins that would cut hair for free if you acted as a model. Sally was a model for an apprentice to practice on. I was a model for the stylist to demonstrate to the apprentices how to deal with a client. We both loved the results and for me anyway, it saw a fairly fundamental change in my look. This photo was taken two months later in Glenwood Springs.
In April, Sally asked me to take her to a Jonsi concert in Denver. A little reluctant to go (such a palaver, driving to Denver – and what a wonderful time for our GPS to pack up!) I was, never the less, pleased that – apart from needing a ride to the concert – she would actually tolerate going with me. In the event, it was fantastic, and we are both big fans now of this music, and more often than not, it is our music of choice on car journeys.

Spencer signed up for a basketball team in November and we managed to find a free-standing basketball hoop on freecycle. He has been out most days shooting a few. The first game was a heartsinking 42 – 2 score, but his team won every other game they played.

That's him with the arrow pointing at his back.
Andrew had two trips to the UK, the second of which saw a meeting that, in his words “could not have gone better if I had scripted it myself.” So perhaps that will prove the beginnings of a highlight or indeed, life-changing deal for next year. (what?, income?) You’ve all been told so many times to watch this space. I continue watching as I have no choice.
Can it really be ten years since we celebrated the change from the 20th to the 21st century? This new year’s eve will see us driving down to Longmont to join in a traditional family dinner followed by card games and a white elephant gift exchange. My mother normally hosts this jamboree, and it is strictly over by 10pm – which I love. This year, my youngest brother will be hosting, so we may stay until 10:30
Happy New Year to you all.