I regularly get e-mails from American contacts lamenting the loss of respect for the Christian values and traditions upon which this country was built (much like England then...), but where are these people when it comes to Easter? This country is business as usual this time of year. No acknowledgement of Good Friday - school as usual for the children - nor of Easter Monday. Sunday, most people are off anyway, and if you want to go shopping, try to spend plenty of money - it's good for the economy! Shameful.
For some years I have decorated an egg or two to add to my collection of eggs to hang on some branches brought inside. Last year my cats knocked the whole thing over, and I haven't had the heart to set it up this year, although I made the effort to buy some white eggs (most of the market in eggs here is white - I never saw a brown egg growing up - but, now, most organic eggs are brown.) for a lemon curd dessert just so that I could blow and decorate the eggs. I did so beautifully yesterday, only to knock the hollow shells (all but one) onto the floor during a careless moment making dinner last night. No better than my cats.
I made hot cross buns Friday, and, having found some marzipan that didn't cost the earth at the funny grocery store mentioned in yesterday's post, had planned to make a simnel cake, but that hasn't risen to the top of the list yet, perhaps an Easter Monday activity? There will be a family dinner at a brother's house this afternoon, but this won't be without drama, as he has omitted to invite one member of the family over a petty disagreement - which he and his wife obviously don't feel is petty at all. Families - who'd have'em?
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