No one could accuse me of being a dynamo when it comes to housekeeping or decorating. Self knowledge was one of the reasons that I was so reluctant to buy the house we now live in, for, although pristinely maintained, it is a true child of it's time. 1976 - the decade that taste forgot, as one of my acquaintance calls it. Not having pots of money for remodeling, my own idleness (along with that of other unnamed members of the household) has me trapped in the tasteless. So I am particularly pleased to have finally finished a truly green renovation of our family bathroom. Green, for obvious reasons (see colour of bath and toilet) but green, because, rather than remove these perfectly working monstrosities, I was able to see past my prejudice and realise that this particular green is in decorating vogue at the moment. I was able to choose from dozens of fabrics that matched the hue exactly. Much less wasteful to add a bit of matching fabric and a lick of paint. Substantially less expensive. Finally livable.
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The real reason I'm posting these here is because although my bothersome brother can make it up from Colorado Springs to Loveland, he cannot manage to make it up my stairs to admire my handiwork.
So there you have it. One room down, 11 more to go. Sigh. Actually I have just started removing the most bizarre wallpaper from my workroom. It is a large plaid pattern of mustard yellow, pale green of the toilet colour variety, and ochre with minute flecks of gold string. Oddly, there is something about it that I have come to rather like. It is a heavy vinyl, easily removed, and I think I may just try to sell it on e-bay to some 70s enthusiast. (I know you're out there.) Although as I write, I realise that I have made the most colossal mistake of not having photographed it in situ first.
On the subject of bathrooms, before we bought this house, we referred to it as the Japanese basin house, as it has a fairly bizarre basin in the cloakroom. Our little cat, princess decided recently that it was just the perfect size for her. How silly is that? (Maybe so, but you have to agree, that apart from anything else, doesn't it bring out the colour of my eyes?)
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